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Knowledge base
Most read articles
Contrexx® is a powerful Open Source Web Content Management System (WCMS) which will assist you in the creation, administration and maintenance of contents for the internet or intranet. It's a completely web-based system with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor and intuitive user interface. Contrexx® is very flexible, by adding modules you can customize the CMS according to your individual demands and it requires no technical knowledge or previous training. Visit us online at http://www.contrexx.com/ to learn more.
More information: Your Rating: Rating: 2 (Ø 7) Views: 16221 Keywords: Created: 13.12.2010 Updated: 20.12.2010 -
1. Backend login
First login to your backend. The url is always named on http://www.DOMAINNAME.TLD/cadmin
2. Create a new entry
Navigate to "Module/Knowledge base/Articles" and click on the button "Add".
3. Set the category
Choose the category in which the entry should appear.
4. Set the question
Define the question that has to be answered.
5. Set the keywords
Choose some existing keywords or add new ones.
6. Write the answer
Type in the answer into the editor.
7. Save the entry
Now click on the button "Save".
More information: Your Rating: Rating: 2 (Ø 7.5) Views: 14115 Keywords: Created: 15.12.2010 Updated: 20.12.2010
Best rated articles
1. Backend login
First login to your backend. The url is always named on http://www.DOMAINNAME.TLD/cadmin
2. Create a new entry
Navigate to "Module/Knowledge base/Articles" and click on the button "Add".
3. Set the category
Choose the category in which the entry should appear.
4. Set the question
Define the question that has to be answered.
5. Set the keywords
Choose some existing keywords or add new ones.
6. Write the answer
Type in the answer into the editor.
7. Save the entry
Now click on the button "Save".
More information: Your Rating: Rating: 2 (Ø 7.5) Views: 14115 Keywords: Created: 15.12.2010 Updated: 20.12.2010 -
Contrexx® is a powerful Open Source Web Content Management System (WCMS) which will assist you in the creation, administration and maintenance of contents for the internet or intranet. It's a completely web-based system with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor and intuitive user interface. Contrexx® is very flexible, by adding modules you can customize the CMS according to your individual demands and it requires no technical knowledge or previous training. Visit us online at http://www.contrexx.com/ to learn more.
More information: Your Rating: Rating: 2 (Ø 7) Views: 16221 Keywords: Created: 13.12.2010 Updated: 20.12.2010